.::Russian Blood Community Forum::. »Blood: The Game We Playing In » Editing Center » Как сделать свой *.anm файл
1. [M210®] - 19 Марта, 2008 - 11:04:53
Народ, кто-нить знает как сделать свой anm файл, например тот что был в Дюке, logo.anm? Есть ли такие проги?

2. мз - 19 Марта, 2008 - 13:07:05
DeluxePaint & DeluxeAnimate pak
Electronic Arts 938 An archive put together including DeluxePaint II Enhanced v3.0, DeluxePaint Animation 1.0 and some DeluxePaint related utilities. Used(v2) during devolopment of Duke/ .anm files.

DeluxePaint is an old Amiga paint program written by Electronic Arts which has been ported over to DOS (well sort of). If you wish to create 8-bit animated graphics in DOS, this is the program for you.
Includes: play.exe

Programmer's Kit for
DeluxePaint Animation 10/24/90 v1.0
Electronic Arts 80 Contains the program, ANIM2PCX.EXE, which is readily used to break an animation file into individual picture files for each frame, or to join a group of picture files into an animation file for editting in DPaint Animation or for playback with PLAY.EXE.(see below)
(Includes anim2pcx src and .ANM file formats, .PCX )

DeluxePaint Animation Player Utility
Electronic Arts 24 Plays back .ANM files

Animation File Maker
Christian Mengler 14 anim2pcx will join all your *.PCX to a *.ANM file

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